Nice, what's your name? My name is Miyamio. Miyamio? How did you get your name? Well, I'm basically like a kitten and it's one of my neighbors that a special friend gave me.
Oh, obviously you like this stuff with me. So what are you things like a kitten you like? I like scratching, biting, I like attention, I purr sometimes when I'm pleased.
Really? Can you give me a little purr sound? Nice, nice, sexy. Oh, you're nice, you're nice. So, what things do you like? Well, I like what any cat likes, taking naps and eating. I like getting fed, getting pet.
Nice, nice. So what's your favorite food? My favorite food would have to be sushi. Sushi? I love some fish. Oh, so you're a cat? Yes, I'm basically a cat. So you like having sex? I love sex. Really? Yes. Are you good at it? I like to think so, I haven't had complaints.
What's your favorite thing you like? My favorite thing about sex? I love being on top. Really? Nice.